Other Tensor Formats

Besides the natively supported formats, you can use tntorch to emulate other structured tensor decompositions (or at least, some of their functionality).

Reference: all the following models are surveyed in *”Tensor Decompositions and Applications”*, by Kolda and Bader (2009).


Individual differences in scaling (INDSCAL) is just a 3D CP decomposition with two shared factors, say the first two.

import tntorch as tn
import torch

def INDSCAL(shape, rank):

    assert len(shape) == 3
    assert shape[0] == shape[1]

    A = torch.randn(shape[0], rank, requires_grad=True)
    B = A  # The first two cores share the same memory
    C = torch.randn(shape[2], rank, requires_grad=True)

    return tn.Tensor([A, B, C])

t = INDSCAL([10, 10, 64], 8)
3D CP tensor:

 10  10  64
  |   |   |
 <0> <1> <2>
 / \ / \ / \
8   8   8   8

tensor(0.0559, grad_fn=<DivBackward1>)

This tensor’s two first factors are the same PyTorch tensor in memory. So if we optimize (fit) the tensor they will stay the same, as is desirable.


CANDELINC (canonical decomposition with linear constraints) is a CP decomposition such that each factor is compressed along its columns by an additional given matrix (the linear constraints). In other words, it is a CP-Tucker format with fixed Tucker factors.

def CANDELINC(rank, constraints):  # `constraints` are N In x Sn matrices encoding the linear constraints for the N CP factors
    cores = [torch.randn(c.shape[1], rank, requires_grad=True) for c in constraints]
    return tn.Tensor(cores, constraints)

N = 3
rank = 3
constraints = [torch.randn(10, 5), torch.randn(11, 6), torch.randn(12, 7)]
CANDELINC(rank, constraints)
3D CP-Tucker tensor:

 10  11  12
  |   |   |
  5   6   7
 <0> <1> <2>
 / \ / \ / \
3   3   3   3


In three-way decomposition into directional components (DEDICOM), 5 factors interact to encode a 3D tensor (2 of those factors are repeated). All factors use the same rank.

def DEDICOM(shape, rank):

    assert len(shape) == 3
    assert shape[0] == shape[2]

    A = torch.randn(shape[0], rank, requires_grad=True)
    D = torch.randn(shape[1], rank, requires_grad=True)
    R = torch.randn(rank, 1, rank, requires_grad=True)

    return tn.Tensor([A, D, R, D, A])

DEDICOM([10, 64, 10], 8)
5D TT-CP tensor:

 10  64   1  64  10
  |   |   |   |   |
 <0> <1> (2) <3> <4>
 / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
8   8   8   8   8   8

Note that this tensor is to be accessed via a special pattern (t[i, j, k] should be written as t[i, j, 0, j, k]). Some routines (e.g. numel(), torch(), norm(), etc.) that are unaware of this special structure will not work properly.


PARATUCK2 is a variant of DEDICOM in which no factors are repeated, and two different ranks intervene.

def PARATUCK2(shape, ranks):

    assert len(shape) == 3
    assert shape[0] == shape[2]
    assert len(ranks) == 2

    A = torch.randn(shape[0], ranks[0], requires_grad=True)
    DA = torch.randn(shape[1], ranks[0], requires_grad=True)
    R = torch.randn(ranks[0], 1, ranks[1], requires_grad=True)
    DB = torch.randn(shape[1], ranks[1], requires_grad=True)
    B = torch.randn(shape[2], ranks[1], requires_grad=True)

    return tn.Tensor([A, DA, R, DB, B])

PARATUCK2([10, 64, 10], [7, 8])
5D TT-CP tensor:

 10  64   1  64  10
  |   |   |   |   |
 <0> <1> (2) <3> <4>
 / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
7   7   7   8   8   8