
To derive a tensor network one just needs to derive each core along its spatial dimension (if it has one).

import torch
import tntorch as tn

t = tn.rand([32]*3, ranks_tt=3, requires_grad=True)
3D TT tensor:

 32  32  32
  |   |   |
 (0) (1) (2)
 / \ / \ / \
1   3   3   1

Basic Derivatives

To derive w.r.t. one or several variables, use partial():

tn.partial(t, dim=[0, 1], order=2)
3D TT tensor:

 32  32  32
  |   |   |
 (0) (1) (2)
 / \ / \ / \
1   3   3   1

Many Derivatives at Once

Thanks to mask tensors we can specify and consider groups of many derivatives at once using the function partialset(). For example, the following tensor encodes all 2nd-order derivatives that contain \(x\):

x, y, z = tn.symbols(t.dim())
d = tn.partialset(t, order=2, mask=x)
3D TT tensor:

 96  96  96
  |   |   |
 (0) (1) (2)
 / \ / \ / \
1   9   9   1

We can check by summing squared norms:

print(tn.normsq(tn.partial(t, 0, order=2)) + tn.normsq(tn.partial(t, [0, 1], order=1)) + tn.normsq(tn.partial(t, [0, 2], order=1)))
tensor(48342.2888, grad_fn=<SumBackward0>)
tensor(48342.2888, grad_fn=<ThAddBackward>)

The method with masks is attractive because its cost scales linearly with dimensionality \(N\). Computing all order-\(O\) derivatives costs \(O(N O^3 R^2)\) with partialset() vs. \(O(N^{(O+1)} R^2)\) with the naive partial().


See this notebook for an example of tensor optimization that tries to maximize an interpolator’s smoothness. Tensor derivatives are also used for some vector field computations and in the active subspace method.