Tensor Decompositions

The philosophy of tntorch is simple: one class for all formats. Different decompositions (CP, Tucker, TT, hybrids) all use the same interface.

Note: sometimes the internal format will change automatically. For example, no recompression algorithm is known for the CP format, and running ``round()`` on a CP tensor will convert it to the TT format.

We will give a few examples of how to compress a full tensor into different tensor formats.

import tntorch as tn
import torch
import time

import numpy as np
X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid(range(128), range(128), range(128))
full = torch.Tensor(np.sqrt(np.sqrt(X)*(Y+Z) + Y*Z**2)*(X + np.sin(Y)*np.cos(Z)))  # Some analytical 3D function
torch.Size([128, 128, 128])


To compress as a low-rank tensor train (TT), use the ranks_tt argument:

t = tn.Tensor(full, ranks_tt=3)  # You can also pass a list of ranks

def metrics():
    print('Compression ratio: {}/{} = {:g}'.format(full.numel(), t.numel(), full.numel() / t.numel()))
    print('Relative error:', tn.relative_error(full, t))
    print('RMSE:', tn.rmse(full, t))
    print('R^2:', tn.r_squared(full, t))

3D TT tensor:

 128 128 128
  |   |   |
 (0) (1) (2)
 / \ / \ / \
1   3   3   1

Compression ratio: 2097152/1920 = 1092.27
Relative error: tensor(0.0005)
RMSE: tensor(22.0745)
R^2: tensor(1.0000)

The TT cores are available as t.cores.


Use the ranks_tucker argument:

t = tn.Tensor(full, ranks_tucker=3)
3D TT-Tucker tensor:

 128 128 128
  |   |   |
  3   3   3
 (0) (1) (2)
 / \ / \ / \
1   9   3   1

Compression ratio: 2097152/1269 = 1652.6
Relative error: tensor(0.0005)
RMSE: tensor(22.0752)
R^2: tensor(1.0000)

Even though technically a TT-Tucker tensor, it has the exact same expressive power as a low-rank Tucker decomposition.

The Tucker factors are t.Us. To retrieve the full Tucker core, use tucker_core():

torch.Size([3, 3, 3])


Use the ranks_cp argument:

t = tn.Tensor(full, ranks_cp=3, verbose=True)  # CP is computed using alternating least squares (ALS)
ALS -- initialization time = 0.045638084411621094
iter: 0  | eps: 0.00098631 | total time:    0.0682
iter: 1  | eps: 0.00092816 | total time:    0.0896 <- converged (tol=0.0001)
3D CP tensor:

 128 128 128
  |   |   |
 <0> <1> <2>
 / \ / \ / \
3   3   3   3

Compression ratio: 2097152/1152 = 1820.44
Relative error: tensor(0.0009)
RMSE: tensor(39.9936)
R^2: tensor(1.0000)

The CP factors are t.cores (they are all 2D tensors).

Hybrid Formats

ranks_tucker can be combined with the other arguments to produce hybrid decompositions:

t = tn.Tensor(full, ranks_cp=3, ranks_tucker=3)
t = tn.Tensor(full, ranks_tt=2, ranks_tucker=4)
3D CP-Tucker tensor:

 128 128 128
  |   |   |
  3   3   3
 <0> <1> <2>
 / \ / \ / \
3   3   3   3

Compression ratio: 2097152/1179 = 1778.75
Relative error: tensor(0.0035)
RMSE: tensor(149.4028)
R^2: tensor(1.0000)
3D TT-Tucker tensor:

 128 128 128
  |   |   |
  4   4   4
 (0) (1) (2)
 / \ / \ / \
1   2   2   1

Compression ratio: 2097152/1568 = 1337.47
Relative error: tensor(0.0012)
RMSE: tensor(51.8083)
R^2: tensor(1.0000)

Error-bounded Decompositions

If you instead pass the argument eps, a decomposition will be computed that will not exceed that relative error:

t = tn.Tensor(full, eps=1e-5)
3D TT-Tucker tensor:

 128 128 128
  |   |   |
  4   5   6
 (0) (1) (2)
 / \ / \ / \
1   4   6   1

Compression ratio: 2097152/2092 = 1002.46
Relative error: tensor(8.3402e-06)
RMSE: tensor(0.3594)
R^2: tensor(1.0000)

That will always try to compress in both Tucker and TT senses, and therefore will always produce a TT-Tucker tensor. If you only want to compress, say, in the Tucker sense, you can do:

t = tn.Tensor(full)
3D TT-Tucker tensor:

 128 128 128
  |   |   |
  5   4   7
 (0) (1) (2)
 / \ / \ / \
1   28  7   1

Compression ratio: 2097152/3021 = 694.191
Relative error: tensor(4.0447e-06)
RMSE: tensor(0.1743)
R^2: tensor(1.0000)

And conversely, for a TT-only compression:

t = tn.Tensor(full)
3D TT tensor:

 128 128 128
  |   |   |
 (0) (1) (2)
 / \ / \ / \
1   4   6   1

Compression ratio: 2097152/4352 = 481.882
Relative error: tensor(8.3358e-06)
RMSE: tensor(0.3592)
R^2: tensor(1.0000)