Source code for round

import tntorch as tn
import torch
import numpy as np
import time

[docs]def round_tt(t, **kwargs): """ Copies and rounds a tensor (see :meth:`tensor.Tensor.round_tt()`. :param t: input :class:`Tensor` :param kwargs: :return: a rounded copy of `t` """ t2 = t.clone() t2.round_tt(**kwargs) return t2
[docs]def round_tucker(t, **kwargs): """ Copies and rounds a tensor (see :meth:`tensor.Tensor.round_tucker()`. :param t: input :class:`Tensor` :param kwargs: :return: a rounded copy of `t` """ t2 = t.clone() t2.round_tucker(**kwargs) return t2
[docs]def round(t, **kwargs): """ Copies and rounds a tensor (see :meth:`tensor.Tensor.round()`. :param t: input :class:`Tensor` :param kwargs: :return: a rounded copy of `t` """ t2 = t.clone() t2.round(**kwargs) return t2
[docs]def truncated_svd(M, delta=None, eps=None, rmax=None, left_ortho=True, algorithm='svd', verbose=False): """ Decomposes a matrix M (size (m x n) in two factors U and V (sizes m x r and r x n) with bounded error (or given r). :param M: a matrix :param delta: if provided, maximum error norm :param eps: if provided, maximum relative error :param rmax: optionally, maximum r :param left_ortho: if True (default), U will be orthonormal. If False, V will :param algorithm: 'svd' (default) or 'eig'. The latter is often faster, but less accurate :param verbose: Boolean :return: U, V """ if delta is not None and eps is not None: raise ValueError('Provide either `delta` or `eps`') if delta is None and eps is not None: delta = eps*torch.norm(M).item() if delta is None and eps is None: delta = 0 if rmax is None: rmax = np.iinfo(np.int32).max assert rmax >= 1 assert algorithm in ('svd', 'eig') if algorithm == 'svd': start = time.time() svd = torch.svd(M)[:2] singular_vectors = 'left' if verbose: print('Time (SVD):', time.time() - start) else: start = time.time() if M.shape[0] <= M.shape[1]: gram =, M.permute(1, 0)) singular_vectors = 'left' else: gram =, 0), M) singular_vectors = 'right' if verbose: print('Time (gram):', time.time() - start) start = time.time() w, v = torch.symeig(gram, eigenvectors=True) if verbose: print('Time (symmetric EIG):', time.time() - start) w[w < 0] = 0 w = torch.sqrt(w) svd = [v, w] # Sort eigenvalues and eigenvectors in decreasing importance reverse = np.arange(len(svd[1])-1, -1, -1) idx = np.argsort(svd[1])[reverse] svd[0] = svd[0][:, idx] svd[1] = svd[1][idx] if svd[1][0] < 1e-13: # Special case: M = zero -> rank is 1 return torch.zeros([M.shape[0], 1]), torch.zeros([1, M.shape[1]]) S = svd[1]**2 reverse = np.arange(len(S)-1, -1, -1) where = np.where((torch.cumsum(S[reverse], dim=0) <= delta**2).to('cpu'))[0] if len(where) == 0: rank = max(1, int(min(rmax, len(S)))) else: rank = max(1, int(min(rmax, len(S) - 1 - where[-1]))) left = svd[0] left = left[:, :rank] start = time.time() if singular_vectors == 'left': if left_ortho: M2 =, 0), M) else: M2 = / svd[1][:rank])[:, None]*left.permute(1, 0), M) left = left*svd[1][:rank] else: if left_ortho: M2 =, (left * (1. / svd[1][:rank])[None, :])) left, M2 = M2,, (torch.diag(svd[1][:rank]))).permute(1, 0) else: M2 =, left) left, M2 = M2, left.permute(1, 0) if verbose: print('Time (product):', time.time() - start) return left, M2