Source code for metrics

import torch
import numpy as np
import tntorch as tn

def _process(gt, approx):
    If *only one* of the arguments is a compressed tensor, we decompress it

    # assert np.array_equal(gt.shape, approx.shape)
    is1 = isinstance(gt, tn.Tensor)
    is2 = isinstance(approx, tn.Tensor)
    if is1 and is2:
        return gt, approx
    if is1:
        gt = gt.torch()
    if is2:
        approx = approx.torch()
    return gt, approx

[docs]def dot(t1, t2, k=None): """ Generalized tensor dot product: contracts the k leading dimensions of two tensors of dimension N1 and N2. - If k is None: - If N1 == N2, returns a scalar (dot product between the two tensors) - If N1 < N2, the result will have dimension N2 - N1 - If N2 < N1, the result will have dimension N1 - N2 Example: suppose t1 has shape 3 x 4 and t2 has shape 3 x 4 x 5 x 6. Then,, t2) will have shape 5 x 6. - If k is given: The trailing (N1-k) dimensions from the 1st tensor will be sorted backwards, and then the trailing (N2-k) dimensions from the 2nd tensor will be appended to them. Example: suppose t1 has shape 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 and t2 has shape 3 x 4 x 10 x 11. Then,, t2, k=2) will have shape 6 x 5 x 10 x 11. :param t1: a :class:`Tensor` (or a PyTorch tensor) :param t2: a :class:`Tensor` (or a PyTorch tensor) :param k: an int (default: None) :return: a scalar (if k is None and t1.dim() == t2.dim()), a tensor otherwise """ def _project_spatial(core, M): if core.dim() == 3: return torch.einsum('iak,aj->ijk', (core, M)) else: return torch.einsum('ak,aj->jk', (core, M)) def _project_left(core, M): if core.dim() == 3: return torch.einsum('sr,rai->sai', (M, core)) else: return torch.einsum('sr,ar->sar', (M, core)) t1, t2 = _process(t1, t2) if isinstance(t1, torch.Tensor) and isinstance(t2, torch.Tensor): return t1.flatten().dot(t2.flatten()) Lprod = torch.ones([t2.ranks_tt[0], t1.ranks_tt[0]], device=t1.cores[0].device) if k is None: k = min(t1.dim(), t2.dim()) assert k <= t1.dim() and k <= t2.dim() if not np.array_equal(t1.shape[:k], t2.shape[:k]): raise ValueError('Dot product requires leading dimensions to be equal, but they are {} and {}'.format(t1.shape[:k], t2.shape[:k])) # Crunch first k dimensions of both tensors for mu in range(k): core1 = t1.cores[mu] core2 = t2.cores[mu] # First part: absorb Tucker factors if t1.Us[mu] is None: if t2.Us[mu] is not None: core1 = _project_spatial(core1, t2.Us[mu]) elif t2.Us[mu] is None: core2 = _project_spatial(core2, t1.Us[mu]) else: # Both have Tucker factors core2 = _project_spatial(core2, torch.matmul(t2.Us[mu].t(), t1.Us[mu])) # Second part: advance running factor `Lprod` Ucore = _project_left(core1, Lprod) Vcore = core2 if Vcore.dim() == 3: Lprod = torch.matmul(tn.left_unfolding(Vcore).t(), tn.left_unfolding(Ucore)) else: Lprod = torch.einsum('as,sar->sr', (Vcore, Ucore)) # Deal with unprocessed dimensions, if any if k < t1.dim(): t1trail = tn.Tensor(t1.cores[k:], t1.Us[k:]).clone() t1trail.cores[0] = _project_left(t1trail.cores[0], Lprod) if k == t2.dim(): return t1trail else: t2trail = tn.Tensor(t2.cores[k:], t2.Us[k:]).clone() t1trail = tn.transpose(t1trail) return tn.Tensor(t1trail.cores + t2trail.cores, Us=t1trail.Us + t2trail.Us) else: if k == t2.dim(): return torch.sum(Lprod) else: t2trail = tn.Tensor(t2.cores[k:], t2.Us[k:])#.clone() t2trail.cores[0] = _project_left(t2trail.cores[0], Lprod.t()) return t2trail
[docs]def dist(t1, t2): """ Computes the Euclidean distance between two tensors. Generally faster than `tn.norm(t1-t2)`. :param t1: a :class:`Tensor` (or a PyTorch tensor) :param t2: a :class:`Tensor` (or a PyTorch tensor) :return: a scalar :math:`\ge 0` """ t1, t2 = _process(t1, t2) if isinstance(t1, torch.Tensor) and isinstance(t2, torch.Tensor): return torch.dist(t1, t2) return torch.sqrt(, t1) +, t2) - 2 *, t2).clamp(0))
[docs]def relative_error(gt, approx): """ Computes the relative error between two tensors (torch or tntorch). :param gt: a torch or tntorch tensor :param approx: a torch or tntorch tensor :return: a scalar :math:`\ge 0` """ gt, approx = _process(gt, approx) if isinstance(gt, torch.Tensor) and isinstance(approx, torch.Tensor): return torch.dist(gt, approx) / torch.norm(gt) dotgt =, gt) return torch.sqrt((dotgt +, approx) - 2*, approx)).clamp(0)) / torch.sqrt(dotgt.clamp(0))
[docs]def rmse(gt, approx): """ Computes the RMSE between two tensors (torch or tntorch). :param gt: a torch or tntorch tensor :param approx: a torch or tntorch tensor :return: a scalar :math:`\ge 0` """ gt, approx = _process(gt, approx) if isinstance(gt, torch.Tensor) and isinstance(approx, torch.Tensor): return torch.dist(gt, approx) / np.sqrt(gt.numel()) return tn.dist(gt, approx) / torch.sqrt(gt.numel())
[docs]def r_squared(gt, approx): """ Computes the :math:`R^2` score between two tensors (torch or tntorch). :param gt: a torch or tntorch tensor :param approx: a torch or tntorch tensor :return: a scalar <= 1 """ gt, approx = _process(gt, approx) if isinstance(gt, torch.Tensor) and isinstance(approx, torch.Tensor): return 1 - torch.dist(gt, approx)**2 / torch.dist(gt, torch.mean(gt))**2 return 1 - tn.dist(gt, approx)**2 / tn.normsq(gt-tn.mean(gt))
[docs]def sum(t, dim=None, keepdim=False, _normalize=False): """ Compute the sum of a tensor along all (or some) of its dimensions. :param t: input :class:`Tensor` :param dim: an int or list of ints. By default, all dims will be summed :param keepdim: if True, summed dimensions will be kept as singletons. Default is False :return: a scalar (if keepdim is False and all dims were chosen) or :class:`Tensor` otherwise """ if dim is None: dim = np.arange(t.dim()) if not hasattr(dim, '__len__'): dim = [dim] device = t.cores[0].device if _normalize: us = [(1./t.shape[d])*torch.ones(t.shape[d]).to(device) for d in dim] else: us = [torch.ones(t.shape[d]).to(device) for d in dim] result = tn.ttm(t, us, dim) if keepdim: return result else: return tn.squeeze(result, dim)
[docs]def mean(t, dim=None, keepdim=False): """ Computes the mean of a :class:`Tensor` along all or some of its dimensions. :param t: a :class:`Tensor` :param dim: an int or list of ints (default: all) :param keepdim: whether to keep the same number of dimensions :return: a scalar """ return tn.sum(t, dim, keepdim, _normalize=True)
[docs]def var(t): """ Computes the variance of a :class:`Tensor`. :param t: a :class:`Tensor` :return: a scalar :math:`\ge 0` """ return tn.normsq(t-tn.mean(t)) / t.numel()
[docs]def std(t): """ Computes the standard deviation of a :class:`Tensor`. :param t: a :class:`Tensor` :return: a scalar :math:`\ge 0` """ return torch.sqrt(tn.var(t))
[docs]def skew(t): """ Computes the skewness of a :class:`Tensor`. Note: this function uses cross-approximation (:func:`tntorch.cross()`). :param t: a :class:`Tensor` :return: a scalar """ return tn.mean(((t-tn.mean(t))/tn.std(t))**3)
[docs]def kurtosis(t, fisher=True): """ Computes the kurtosis of a :class:`Tensor`. Note: this function uses cross-approximation (:func:`tntorch.cross()`). :param t: a :class:`Tensor` :param fisher: if True (default) Fisher's definition is used, otherwise Pearson's (aka excess) :return: a scalar """ return tn.mean(((t-tn.mean(t))/tn.std(t))**4) - fisher*3
[docs]def normsq(t): """ Computes the squared norm of a :class:`Tensor`. :param t: a :class:`Tensor` :return: a scalar :math:`\ge 0` """ return, t)
[docs]def norm(t): """ Computes the :math:`L^2` (Frobenius) norm of a tensor. :param t: a :class:`Tensor` :return: a scalar :math:`\ge 0` """ return torch.sqrt(torch.clamp(tn.normsq(t), min=0))