Source code for create

import tntorch as tn
import torch
import numpy as np

[docs]def eye(n, m=None, device=None, requires_grad=None): """ Generates identity matrix like PyTorch's `eye()`. :param n: number of rows :param m: number of columns (default is n) :return: a 2D :class:`Tensor` """ c1 = torch.eye(n, m) c2 = torch.eye(m, m) return tn.Tensor([c1[None, :, :], c2[:, :, None]], device=device, requires_grad=requires_grad)
[docs]def rand(*shape, **kwargs): """ Generate a :class:`Tensor` with random cores (and optionally factors), whose entries are uniform in :math:`[0, 1]`. :Example: >>> tn.rand([10, 10], ranks_tt=3) # Rank-3 TT tensor of shape 10x10 :param shape: N ints (or a list of ints) :param ranks_tt: an integer or list of N-1 ints :param ranks_cp: an int or list. If a list, will be interleaved with ranks_tt :param ranks_tucker: an int or list :param requires_grad: default is False :param device: :return: a random tensor """ return _create(torch.rand, *shape, **kwargs)
[docs]def rand_like(t, **kwargs): """ Calls :meth:`rand()` with the shape of a given tensor. :param t: a tensor :param kwargs: :return: a :class:`Tensor` """ return _create(torch.rand, t.shape, **kwargs)
[docs]def randn(*shape, **kwargs): """ Like :meth:`rand()`, but entries are normally distributed with :math:`\\mu=0, \\sigma=1`. """ return _create(torch.randn, *shape, **kwargs)
[docs]def randn_like(t, **kwargs): """ Calls :meth:`randn()` with the shape of a given tensor. :param t: a tensor :param kwargs: :return: a :class:`Tensor` """ return _create(torch.randn, t.shape, **kwargs)
[docs]def ones(*shape, **kwargs): """ Generate a :class:`Tensor` filled with ones. :Example: >>> tn.ones(10) # Vector of ones :param shape: N ints (or a list of ints) :param requires_grad: :param device: :return: a TT :class:`Tensor` of rank 1 """ return _create(torch.ones, *shape, ranks_tt=1, **kwargs)
[docs]def ones_like(t, **kwargs): """ Calls :meth:`ones()` with the shape of a given tensor. :param t: a tensor :param kwargs: :return: a :class:`Tensor` """ return ones(t.shape, **kwargs)
[docs]def full(shape, fill_value, **kwargs): """ Generate a :class:`Tensor` filled with a constant. :param shape: list of ints :param fill_value: constant to fill the tensor with :param requires_grad: :param device: :return: a TT :class:`Tensor` of rank 1 """ return fill_value*tn.ones(*shape, **kwargs)
[docs]def full_like(t, fill_value, **kwargs): """ Calls :meth:`full()` with the shape of a given tensor. :param t: a tensor :param kwargs: :return: a :class:`Tensor` """ return tn.full(t.shape, fill_value=fill_value, **kwargs)
[docs]def zeros(*shape, **kwargs): """ Generate a :class:`Tensor` filled with zeros. :param shape: N ints (or a list of ints) :param requires_grad: :param device: :return: a TT :class:`Tensor` of rank 1 """ return _create(torch.zeros, *shape, ranks_tt=1, **kwargs)
[docs]def zeros_like(t, **kwargs): """ Calls :meth:`zeros()` with the shape of a given tensor. :param t: a tensor :param kwargs: :return: a :class:`Tensor` """ return zeros(t.shape, **kwargs)
[docs]def gaussian(shape, sigma_factor=0.2): """ Create a multivariate Gaussian that is axis-aligned (i.e. with diagonal covariance matrix). :param shape: list of ints :param sigma_factor: a real (or list of reals) encoding the ratio sigma / shape. Default is 0.2, i.e. one fifth along each dimension :return: a :class:`Tensor` that sums to 1 """ if hasattr(shape[0], '__len__'): shape = shape[0] N = len(shape) if not hasattr(sigma_factor, '__len__'): sigma_factor = [sigma_factor]*N cores = [torch.ones(1, 1, 1) for n in range(N)] Us = [] for n in range(N): sigma = sigma_factor[n] * shape[n] if shape[n] == 1: x = torch.Tensor([0]) else: x = torch.linspace(-shape[n] / 2, shape[n] / 2, shape[n]) U = torch.exp(-x**2 / (2*sigma**2)) U = U[:, None] / torch.sum(U) Us.append(U) return tn.Tensor(cores, Us)
[docs]def gaussian_like(tensor, **kwargs): """ Calls :meth:`gaussian()` with the shape of a given tensor. :param t: a tensor :param kwargs: :return: a :class:`Tensor` """ return gaussian(tensor.shape, **kwargs)
def _create(function, *shape, ranks_tt=None, ranks_cp=None, ranks_tucker=None, requires_grad=False, device=None): if hasattr(shape[0], '__len__'): shape = shape[0] N = len(shape) if not hasattr(ranks_tucker, "__len__"): ranks_tucker = [ranks_tucker for n in range(len(shape))] corespatials = [] for n in range(len(shape)): if ranks_tucker[n] is None: corespatials.append(shape[n]) else: corespatials.append(ranks_tucker[n]) if ranks_tt is None and ranks_cp is None: if ranks_tucker is None: raise ValueError('Specify at least one of: ranks_tt ranks_cp, ranks_tucker') # We imitate a Tucker decomposition: we set full TT-ranks datashape = [corespatials[0], // corespatials[0]] ranks_tt = [] for n in range(1, N): ranks_tt.append(min(datashape)) datashape = [datashape[0] * corespatials[n], datashape[1] // corespatials[n]] if not hasattr(ranks_tt, "__len__"): ranks_tt = [ranks_tt]*(N-1) ranks_tt = [None] + list(ranks_tt) + [None] if not hasattr(ranks_cp, '__len__'): ranks_cp = [ranks_cp]*N coreranks = [r for r in ranks_tt] for n in range(N): if ranks_cp[n] is not None: if ranks_tt[n] is not None or ranks_tt[n+1] is not None: raise ValueError('The ranks_tt and ranks_cp provided are incompatible') coreranks[n] = ranks_cp[n] coreranks[n+1] = ranks_cp[n] assert len(coreranks) == N+1 if coreranks[0] is None: coreranks[0] = 1 if coreranks[-1] is None: coreranks[-1] = 1 if coreranks.count(None) > 0: raise ValueError('One or more TT/CP ranks were not specified') assert len(ranks_tucker) == N cores = [] Us = [] for n in range(len(shape)): if ranks_tucker[n] is None: Us.append(None) else: Us.append(function([shape[n], ranks_tucker[n]], requires_grad=requires_grad, device=device)) if ranks_cp[n] is None: cores.append(function([coreranks[n], corespatials[n], coreranks[n+1]], requires_grad=requires_grad, device=device)) else: cores.append(function([corespatials[n], ranks_cp[n]], requires_grad=requires_grad, device=device)) return tn.Tensor(cores, Us=Us)
[docs]def arange(*args, **kwargs): """ Creates a 1D :class:`Tensor` (see PyTorch's `arange`). :param args: :param kwargs: :return: a 1D :class:`Tensor` """ return tn.Tensor([torch.arange(*args, dtype=torch.get_default_dtype(), **kwargs)[None, :, None]])
[docs]def linspace(*args, **kwargs): """ Creates a 1D :class:`Tensor` with evenly spaced values (see PyTorch's `linspace`). :param args: :param kwargs: :return: a 1D :class:`Tensor` """ return tn.Tensor([torch.linspace(*args, **kwargs)[None, :, None]])
[docs]def logspace(*args, **kwargs): """ Creates a 1D :class:`Tensor` with logarithmically spaced values (see PyTorch's `logspace`). :param args: :param kwargs: :return: a 1D :class:`Tensor` """ return tn.Tensor([torch.logspace(*args, **kwargs)[None, :, None]])